Seonguk Huh Takes From Chi Chun Cheung In Blind Battle

Aug 20, 2023

Seonguk Huh

In a three-bet pot to the Club 5Spade 4Diamond 3 flop, Seonguk Huh and Chi Chun Cheung both check. The Diamond 10 turn brings a bet worth 160,000 by Huh and Cheung raises to 400,000.

Huh clicks it back to 760,000 and Cheung uses a time bank chip to then call.

Both check the Heart Q river and Huh tables the Diamond 6Club 6, which wins the pot for the South Korean as Cheung gasps “fuck” before mucking.

Seonguk Huh – 3,250,000 (54 bb)
Chi Chun Cheung – 1,250,000 (21 bb)

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