Senthuran Vijayaratnam Bluffs Jamie Sequeira on the Money Bubble

Nov 13, 2017

Jamie Sequeria Jamie Sequeria Jamie Sequeria
Photo:  Jamie Sequeira

Senthuran Vijayaratnam says he has been raising every hand for a while to 11,500, and with 78 players remaining, he does just when he’s under the gun. Jamie Sequeira reraises from middle position to 35,000, and Vijayaratnam calls.

The flop comes Heart KSpade 10Club 2, and around this time Stan Jablonski is eliminated in 78th place, which means this is the last hand before hand-for-hand play begins on the Money Bubble.

Vijayaratnam checks, and Sequeira checks behind. The turn card is the Spade 5, and Vijayaratnam bets about 40,000. Sequeira calls.

The river card is the Spade 7, and Vijayaratnam moves all in, covering Sequeira’s 110K stack. Sequeira goes into the tank as the WPT TV cameras show up and shine their lights on the table to add to the pressure. Sequeira begins monologuing, while Vijayaratnam simply smiles.

Sequeira says, “Seriously, bro? You’re blessed.” Sequeira goes on for a while about how blessed his opponent must be. Then Sequeira says, “On the bubble? You’re fucking crazy, bro. So fucking sick. What do you think I have?”

Without hesitation, Vijayaratnam says, “Aces.”

Sequeira says, “Aces? And you play me like that? You play me like that preflop?”

As his 30 seconds expires, Sequeira uses a Time Chip to give himself another 30 seconds. Sequeira asks, “Blessed, eh?” With about 10 seconds left, Sequeira tosses in another Time Chip and begins asking himself what his opponent could have in this spot.

“Did you call 30,000 with king-ten? Kings? Ace-queen of spades?”

As his time is running out, Sequeira folds, and Vijayaratnam immediately shows Spade QDiamond 7 for a queen-high bluff as he takes the pot.

Senthuran Vijayaratnam  –  440,000  (88 bb)
Jamie Sequeira  –  110,000  (22 bb)

Sequeira is not happy, and begins berating Vijayaratnam’s play for a while, before giving him a sarcastic “Good luck.”

Then Sequeira adds a foreboding, “Remember, what goes around comes around. It comes around.”

Photo:  Senthuran Vijayaratnam
Senthuran Vijayaratnam

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