Sebastien Vezina Scores Double KO with Kings

May 12, 2024

Sebastien VezinaPhoto: Sebastien Vezina

After an open from Sebastien Vezina, Vaughn Steeves moves all in for his last 12,000, and Benjamin Chen shoves behind him for more. 

When the action gets back to Vezina, he quickly calls to put both of them at risk and tables Spade KClub K

Steeves tables Heart QSpade J while Chen shows Spade QClub Q, both needing a lot of help. 

The runout of Heart ASpade 10Diamond 6Club 6Spade 3 provides no miracles and Vezina’s kings take down the pot, eliminating both opponents. 

Sebastien Vezina – 166,000 (55 bb)
Benjamin Chen – Eliminated
Vaughn Steeves – Eliminated

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