Sebastien Soares Eliminated by Matthew Brunskole

Mar 30, 2014

The next hand after being crippled down to 300 in chips, Sebastien Soares is forced all in for less than the ante. So a side pot is created with 2,700 in it, while everyone else will be competing for the main pot of 1,800 plus the blinds and any additional bets.

Matthew Brunskole raises from the button to 10,000, and everyone else folds. Brunskole takes the side pot without a fight.

Brunskole shows [Qh10d], and Soares turns over [6c4c]. Soares needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [QsJd5sQdJc], and Brunskole wins the pot with a full house, queens full of jacks.

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