Sean Ragozzini Slowly Doubles Thru Yoon Kang

Sep 25, 2022

Sean Ragozzini
Photo:  Sean Ragozzini

With 57 players remaining and a pay jump looming for 56th place, two players get involved in a hand and use their full 30 seconds for most of their decisions.

Yoon Kang raises under the gun to 30,000, and Sean Ragozzini reraises from the big blind to 195,000, leaving himself just 5,000 behind. Kang thinks for a while before he calls.

The flop comes Diamond KClub QDiamond 4, Ragozzini thinks for 30 seconds before he checks, and Kang thinks for 30 seconds before he checks behind.

The turn card pairs the board with the Heart K, and they repeat the process to check again.

The river card is the Spade 8, and Ragozzini thinks for 30 seconds before he moves all in for 5,000. Kang thinks for a while before he calls with Spade 9Diamond 9 for two pair, kings and nines.

But Ragozzini turns over Club AHeart Q to win the pot with a higher two pair, kings and queens, to double up in chips.

Sean Ragozzini  –  425,000  (28 bb)
Yoon Kang  –  290,000  (19 bb)

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