Sean Ragozzini Ships And Pays

Apr 21, 2024

Sean Ragozzini

Sean Ragozzini in back to back action hands. First one sees Qais Shanasa open from hijack, Ragozzini defends the big blind, the flop is Spade 7Heart 5Heart 10. Shanasa c-bets 15,000, Ragozzini raises 50,000, Shanasa calls. The turn Spade K, Ragozzini c-bets 80,000, Shanasa calls again. On the river Club 3, Ragozzini shoves, Shanasa tanks using up all of his time-banks, then calls. 

Sean Ragozzini Diamond 5Spade 5 
Qais Shanasa Diamond JDiamond 10

Next hand, cutoff Karl Symonds opens 20,000, small blind Sean Ragozzini pushes his massive stack, Symonds tanks using up four time-extensions then calls for his tournament life. 

Karl Symonds Diamond AClub K
Sean Ragozzini Club JClub 7

The board runs Club 9Spade 5Spade 8Diamond 7Spade A, Ragozzini improves on the turn, Symonds jumps back out front on the river for a happy double up. 

Karl Symonds – 202,000 (20 bb)
Sean Ragozzini – 653,000 (65 bb)
Qais Shanasa – Eliminated

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