Scott Mataya Finds the River on James Pupillo

Jan 2, 2020

Scott Mataya

Scott Mataya (pictured) limps in for 300 and James Pupillo raises next to act to 1,100. Action folds back to Mataya, and he calls as the flop lands Heart 7Club 4Spade 4 and both players check.

The turn is the Diamond K and Mataya checks. Pupillo bets 1,30 and Mataya calls as the river lands the Diamond 5.

Mataya bets out 3,400, and Pupillo calls. Mataya tables his Heart 5Spade 5 for a full house, and Pupillo flashes the Spade K and then mucks.

Scott Mataya – 19,500
James Pupillo – 57,000

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