Sartirana Doubles Up

Oct 24, 2012

Nima Hashemi opens to 4,000 in early position, Max Sartirana three-bets to 19,000 on the button and Hashemi goes into thought mode. It’s quite a long dwell, only breaking from his thoughts to ask Sartirana for a count. He has 22,000 behind and Hashemi eventually puts him all-in; Sartirana calls.

Sartirana: [Tc] [Td]
Hashemi: [7c] [7h]

Sartirana cannot look and buries his head in his hands.

Board: [Kc] [9s] [6s] [Ks] [6h]

Sartirana doubles up and now has 65,000 chips whereas Hashemi has 90,000.

Graham Hawkins, Andrew Steenkamp,

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