Santiago Gonzalez Doubles Through Juan Jose Cepeda Dirzo

May 31, 2023

Dylan Lask

Angel Guillen opens to 300,000 from under the gun and Juan Jose Cepeda Dirzo three-bets to 800,000 from early position. Santiago Gonzalez Gonzalez (pictured) shoves for 1,300,000 from the cutoff. 

Guillen thinks about it awhile before laying it down and Cepeda Dirzo snap calls with Heart KSpade K

He says “Siempre” as Gonzalez tables Club AHeart A

The board comes Spade AHeart 5Diamond 2Diamond 5Spade 10 and Gonzalez ends up with a full house to score the big double up. 

Santiago Gonzalez – 3,250,000 (22 bb)
Juan Jose Cepeda Dirzo – 2,700,000 (18 bb)

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