Sanjay Mayekar Eliminated in 7th Place ($28,960)

Aug 27, 2018

Sanjay Mayekar_WPT500_DSC_6815

From under the gun, Sanjay Mayekar (pictured) shoves all in for 4,325,000 and Michael Copeland calls in the cutoff.

Mayekar: Diamond ASpade Q
Copeland: Heart KSpade K

The dealer spreads a Diamond KClub 8Spade 5 flop to thrust Copeland further ahead.

The Heart 5 arrives on the turn to seal the deal for Mayekar, as the Heart 3 completes the board on the river and Mayekar is eliminated in 7th place.

Michael Copeland – 18,525,000
Sanjay Mayekar – Eliminated in 7th Place ($28,960)

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