Samule Roussy-Majeau Eliminated by Rong Xu

Oct 28, 2019

Rong Xu raises to 18,000 from middle position before Samuel Roussy-Majeau moves all in from the hijack for 63,500.

From the big blind, Hyungki Kim calls. Xu responds with a four-bet shove totaling 156,000, and after roughly two minutes of deliberation, Kim calls.

Kim: Club AClub J
Roussy-Majeau: Diamond ASpade J
Xu: Spade 10Diamond 10

The board runs out Heart 10Diamond 6Spade 6Diamond KHeart 5 and Xu near-triples while Roussy-Majeau is eliminated.

Rong Xu – 387,500
Hyungki Kim – 50,000
Samuel Roussy-Majeau – Eliminated

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