Samuel Roussy-Majeau Eliminated by Antonio Pace

May 19, 2024

Samuel Roussy-Majeau raises to 30,000 in early position and Baseem Nsier calls in the cutoff. Antonio Pace then reraises to 290,000 on the button, leaving 5,000 behind, and Roussy-Majeau calls for 280,000. Nsier folds.

Samuel Roussy-Majeau: Diamond QSpade Q
Antonio Pace: Diamond ADiamond K

The Heart JDiamond 8Diamond 10 flop gives Pace a flush draw, while he completes the flush on the Diamond 2 turn to leave Roussy-Majeau drawing dead heading to the Club 2 river and on his way to the exit.

Antonio Pace- 600,000 (40 bb)
Samuel Roussy-Majeau- eliminated

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