Sam Phillips Eliminated by Adrian Garduno

May 1, 2018

Adrian Garduno

Ray Pulford raises to 800 from early position, Byron Kaverman calls from the button, Adrian Garduno (pictured) calls from the small blind, and Sam Phillips three-bets to 3,200 from the big blind. Pulford folds, Kaverman four-bets to 9,000, Garduno five-bet shoves with the biggest stack of the bunch, Phillips calls all in for about 12,000, and Kaverman tanks for a bit before he folds.

Garduno shows Heart 10Spade 10, trailing Phillips’ Spade KDiamond K.

The board runs out Heart JHeart 9Club 2Spade QDiamond 8, giving Garduno a queen-high straight to eliminate Phillips.

Adrian Garduno – 103,000
Byron Kaverman – 29,000
Sam Phillips – Eliminated

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