Salsberg Punished For Hero Call

Mar 29, 2013

Matt Salsberg
WPT Champions Club member, Matt Salsberg’s, tournament life is hanging by a thread after making a hero call against Giuseppe Pastura that went horribly wrong.

Pastura opens from early position, Salsberg flats on the button as does Lauri Pesonen in the big blind.

Flop: [Kh] [9d] [2c]

Pesonen checks, Pastura bets 27,000 and Salsberg calls.

Turn: [2d]

Pastura bets 50,000 and after asking him how much he had left (It was 134k) Salsberg makes the call.

River: [Qd]

Pastura moves all-in and Salsberg goes into the tank. After motioning for the camera crew to stop blinding him, Salsberg does make the call. Pastura turns [As] [Qc] for middle pair that got there on the river.

"F**k," says Salsberg, "I knew you were bluffing."

Salsberg mucks his hand, but the hand has to be shown. The dealer turns it over and shows the world that Salsberg was holding [Td] [9c] for third pair.

Pastura ~ 460,000
Salsberg ~ 60,000

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