Ryan Rodriguez Eliminated in 75th Place by Rayo Kniep

Jun 30, 2018

Graeme Wright raises to 10,000 in the cutoff and Rayo Kniep calls in the small blind. Ryan Rodriguez has just 9,000 remaining, and he puts it all in dark from the big blind.

The Club 10Spade 10Heart 10Spade JClub 7 board checks down to the river where Kniep bets 20,000 and Wright folds.

Kniep tables his Club JClub 6 for a full house, and after Rodriguez tables his Spade QSpade 4 for just queen-high, is eliminated in 75th place for a $900 payday.

Graeme Wright – 635,000
Rayo Kniep – 305,000
Ryan Rodriguez – Eliminated in 75th Place ($900)

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