Ruben Perceval Out in 24th Place (CAD $7,326)

Mar 31, 2014

Ruben Perceval open-raises all in for 605,000 from the cutoff seat, then it folds to Maxime Theroux in the small blind. Theroux takes a quick peek at Marco Caza sitting to his left who has but 350,000 after having posted the big blind, then calls Perceval’s raise. Caza then shrugs and pushes his stack all in as well, and the trio table their hands.

Theroux: [Ad][Kh]
Caza: [7c][7s]
Perceval: [As][6s]

The board comes [Js][Jd][9s][4c][Qh], and Caza pumps his fist after seeing he has survived. Meanwhile, Theroux wins the side pot and Perceval is out in 24th.

Marco Caza – 1,070,000 (21 bb)
Maxime Theroux – 1,250,000 (25 bb)
Ruben Perceval – Out in 24th Place (CAD $7,326) 

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