Rosenbarger Bluffs Lacay

Dec 4, 2013

Derrick Rosenbarger raises to 85,000 from under the gun and Ludovic Lacay three-bets to 220,000 in the small blind, A call from Rosenbarger lands a [Qs8c3s] flop.

Lacay check-calls 185,000 from Rosenberger to see the [4s] turn where he check-calls another 375,000 from him. The [Th] river falls and Lacay checks for a third time. Rosenbarger fires 800,000, sending Lacay into the tank for about five minutes before he folds.

Rosenbarger shows [Kc5c] as he collects the chips.

"Good bluff," says Lacay. "It was close."

Derrick Rosenbarger – 3,700,000
Ludovic Lacay – 2,375,000

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