Roman Papacek Takes Out Two

Apr 11, 2024

Photo: Roman Papacek

Ivan Gross raises to 4,000 in middle position and Ahmed Darwish calls in the cutoff. Roman Papacek then three-bets to 16,000 on the button and Mark Balo moves all in for 38,500 in the small blind. Gross folds, but Darwish commits his last 25,000 and Papacek calls.

Ahmed Darwish: Heart 7Diamond 7
Mark Balo: Diamond JHeart J
Roman Papacek: Heart ASpade Q

Balo is ahead with his jacks as the flop comes Heart 8Club KDiamond 8. The turn is the Club 4, but the Club Q river gives Papacek two pair and sends both Darwish and Balo to the rail.

Roman Papacek- 170,000 (85 bb)
Mark Balo- eliminated
Ahmed Darwish– eliminated

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