Roman Papacek Hits the River in Three-Way All In

Apr 11, 2024

Nicola Karl moves all in for around 10,000 in middle position and Ahmed Darwish calls in the small blind. Roman Papacek then reshoves for around 30,000 in the big blind and Darwish calls.

Nicola Karl: Heart QClub 9
Roman Papacek: Spade 3Diamond 3
Ahmed Darwish: Spade AClub K

The flop comes Diamond JDiamond 9Spade J to give Karl two pair. “That’s good,” Karl says as the turn comes Diamond 4.

The river is the Diamond 8 and Papacek improves to a flush to scoop the entire pot, doubling up off Darwish while sending Karl to the rail.

Roman Papacek- 70,000 (44 bb)
Ahmed Darwish- 80,000 (50 bb)
Nicola Karl- eliminated

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