Romain Raimbaud Check-Shoves the River Against Federico Cirillo

Feb 4, 2023

Romain Raimbaud
Photo:  Romain Raimbaud

Federico Cirillo raises UTG+1 to 100,000, and Romain Raimbaud calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Heart 10Diamond 10Club 3, Raimbaud checks, Cirillo bets 55,000, and Raimbaud check-raises to 160,000. Cirillo thinks for a while before he calls.

The turn card trips the board with the Club 10, Raimbaud checks, Cirillo bets 125,000, and Raimbaud thinks for a while before he calls.

The river card is the Spade K, Raimbaud checks, Cirillo bets 400,000, and Raimbaud check-raises all in for about 665,000.

Cirillo quickly folds, and Raimbaud takes the pot.

Romain Raimbaud  –  1,910,000  (38 bb)
Federico Cirillo  –  4,425,000  (89 bb)

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