Rocco Palumbo vs. Jeffrey Ishbia

May 21, 2013

WPT Championship_Season 11
Jonathan Roy min-raises from the cutoff to 32,000, Jeffrey Ishbia (pictured above) calls from the small blind, and Rocco Palumbo calls from the big blind.

All three players check to the turn on a board of [Jc9c8h7d], Ishbia checks, and Palumbo bets 45,000. Roy folds, and Ishbia calls.

The river is the [Qs], and both players check. Ishbia shows [AcQh] to win the pot with a pair of queens, and Palumbo mucks.

Jeffrey Ishbia  –  1,110,000  (69 bb)
Rocco Palumbo  –  740,000  (23 bb)

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