Robert Merulla Reaches 2M Against Matthew Parry

Jan 30, 2014

After a flop of [9h6c6d], Matthew Parry checks, Eric Panayiotou checks, and Robert Merulla bets 51,000. Both Parry and Panayiotou call. The turn is the [Kc], and all three players check.

The river is the [5c], Parry and Panayiotou both check, and Merulla bets 95,000. Parry check-raises to 300,000, and Panayiotou folds.

Merulla bets three-bets it to 540,000, and Parry calls. Merulla shows [KhKd] to win the pot with a full house, kings full of sixes, and Parry mucks.

Robert Merulla  –  2,070,000  (129 bb)
Matthew Parry  –  530,000  (33 bb)

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