Robert Kennedy Eliminated in a Tie For 16th Place by Istvan Briski

Nov 27, 2023

Photo: Robert Kennedy

Istvan Briski raises to 175,000 on the button before Robert Kennedy moves all in for 1,100,000 in the big blind. Briski calls to put Kennedy at risk.

Robert Kennedy: Club KClub Q
Istvan Briski: Diamond KDiamond Q

“This one is boring. That one’s a lot more interesting,” a tablemate says as Alessio Isaia is all in at the same time on another table. The two players are poised for a chop as the flop comes Heart 10Diamond 8Diamond 4, giving Briski a flush draw.

The turn is the Diamond A and Briski completes his flush to leave Kennedy drawing dead. The Club 5 river completes the board and Kennedy is eliminated in a tie for 16th place. (There were simultaneous eliminations at two different tables to create a tie.)

Istvan Briski – 11,000,000 (147 bb)
Robert Kennedy – eliminated in 16th place ($34,850)

Robert Kennedy Robert Kennedy
Photo:  Robert Kennedy

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