Robert Kaggerud vs. Jack Efaraimo

Sep 22, 2018

With the board showing Heart QHeart 10Heart 9Club 5 on the turn, Jack Efaraimo bets 1,800 from the small blind, Robert Kaggerud calls from the big blind, and a player in middle position also calls.

The river card is the Diamond 7, Efaraimo bets 6,500, and Kaggerud raises to 17,200. The middle-position player folds, and Efaraimo calls.

Kaggerud turns over Club JHeart 8 to win the pot with a flopped queen-high straight, and Efaraimo mucks.

Robert Kaggerud  –  75,500  (94 bb)
Jack Efaraimo  –  161,000  (201 bb)

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