Robert Haszon Doubles Via Ivan Deney

Apr 12, 2024

Tamas Seres opens to 8,000 from the cutoff and is faced with a three-bet by Robert Haszon in the small blind to 29,000.

Ivan Deney is in the big blind and after considering the position for a moment, produces a cold four-bet to 60,000. Seres folds and Haszon quickly moves the rest of his chips, totaling 114,000, into the middle. Deney makes the quick call, with Haszon at risk.

Robert Haszon:Heart AClub K
Ivan Deney:Spade 10Diamond 10

Deney is ahead in a race but the flop of Diamond KDiamond 6Spade 8 puts Haszon into the lead with a pair of kings, and the Heart 5Diamond Q turn and river do not alter matters.

Robert Haszon – 246,000 (61 bb)
Ivan Deney – 203,000 (50 bb)
Tamas Seres – 292,000 (73 bb)

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