Robert Bruil Eliminated in 8th Place (€17,400)

Jan 8, 2012

Robert Bruil
(Photo: Robert Bruil)

Dave Shallow raises to 65,000 in late position and Robert Bruil moves all-in for 450,000 from the small blind. Shallow makes the call and we have a showdown with Bruil at risk of elimination.

Shallow: [Kd] [Ts]
Bruil: [As] [Qs]

The flop [Qc] [8d] [4d] are king and ten free, but the [3d] on the turn creates a flush possibility to add to Shallows other outs. The river cards is peeled over and it is indeed another diamond [2d] and Bruil is out.

Shallow ~ 1,900,000

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