Rivest Fades River Versus Vieira

Mar 29, 2014

The flop reads [Ah][10s][7c] and Nuno Vieira is contemplating whether or not to call an all-in push from Kevin Rivest. Finally Vieira calls, and is disappointed when he sees Rivest turn over [Ac][Ks] for top pair, top kicker. Vieira hangs his head just a little as he tables his [Ad][9h].

The [8h] then falls on the turn, causing Vieira to sit up in his chair at the sight of his having been provided an open-ended straight draw. But the river is the [2c] and Rivest’s hand holds.

"Scared you though?" asks Vieira with a grin as the dealer pushes chips to Rivest. "I can’t deny that," he responds as he begins to stack.

Kevin Rivest – 35,000 (88 bb)
Nuno Vieira – 16,500 (41 bb) 

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