Riley Fuller Quadruples His Miniscule Chip Stack

Sep 18, 2014

With the blinds at 20,000-40,000 and a 5,000 ante, Riley Fuller calls all in under the gun for 15,000, Aaron Overton raises from the cutoff to 90,000, and Kane Kalas reraises from the small blind to 270,000. Overton folds, and Kalas takes the side pot.

Fuller reveals [9h7d], and he needs it to hold to stay alive against the [7c6c] of Kalas.

The board comes [Kh8h10sAsJc], and Fuller wins the pot with his nine to more than quadruple his chip stack.

Riley Fuller  –  90,000  (2 bb)
Kane Kalas  –  3,300,000  (82 bb)

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