Rick Luong Eliminated in 17th Place by Jason Lavallee

May 3, 2016

Lavallee busts Loung
Photo:  Rick Luong (center) watches as the river card seals his fate against Jason Lavallee (right).

Rick Luong raises from middle position to 76,000, Jason Lavallee reraises from the hijack to 150,000, and Luong moves all in for about 200,000.

Lavallee calls with Spade KHeart K, and Luong turns over Heart AHeart J. Luong needs to improve to stay alive. (Luong tells Lavallee that he accidentally raised more than he intended when he made it 76K.)

The board comes Diamond KSpade 8Spade 3Club 4Heart 10, and Lavallee flops a set of kings to win the pot, eliminating Luong in 17th place.

Jason Lavallee  –  1,175,000  (73 bb)
Rick Luong  –  Eliminated in 17th Place  (CAD $13,130)

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