Richard Harris is WPT500 Champion for £150,000!

Nov 3, 2015


Well, heads-up didn’t last long, but it was certainly dramatic!

In the very next hand from Yanev’s early good start in heads-up, Yanev raised from the button to 800k, Richard re-raised to 2.4m and Yanev called it, leaving himself with around 9.5m back.

The flop came Club 9Spade 7Spade 10 and Richard c-bet to 3.2m, Yanev shoved all-in and got a quick call. Yanev turned over Club 6Diamond 7 but he would need a lot of help as Richard showed Spade JHeart J . Yanev didn’t get any luck at all, the turn of Diamond 4 and then river of Diamond J confirming that Richard Harris is our 2015 WPT500 champion, winning £150,000, Yani Yanev taking £90,000 for his runner-up finish.

We spoke to Richard moments after his stunning win.

“I just can’t believe how quickly it went. The final was a blur. It’s great!”

He was obviously delighted, and caught the right cards at the right time. With the chip-lead from the start of the final table, that is a deadly combination for anyone else at the table.

“I’ll be going home to Gower Holiday Village in Wales and spoiling the family.” promised Richard as he celebrated his win. Bettering 1615 players, he’s brought this fantastic £1,000,000 guaranteed tournament to a close. Congratulations to him and everyone else who cashed in the tournament, especially the top fifty players who all won tickets to the WPT Main Event as part of their payout. How will Richard Harris fare in that? You can find out by heading to the Live! updates NOW.


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