Rex Clinkscales Eliminated in Seventh Place ($18,970)

Jun 18, 2018

Rex Clinkscales John O'Neal

Rex Clinkscales (pictured) is all in preflop for 70,000 under the gun, and Justin Donato calls to cover him on the big blind. The two players then flip over their cards.

Donato: Diamond AHeart 3
Clinkscales: Club QDiamond J

Board: Club JSpade 5Spade 2Club 7Spade 4

Clinkscales is eliminated on the hand in seventh place, good for $18,970, and he ends his title defense run just six spots short of back-to-back championships. Donato holds 1.7 million after collecting the pot.

Justin Donato – 1,700,000 (21 bb)
Rex Clinkscales – Eliminated in Seventh Place ($18,970)

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