Rens Boerke Eliminated By Maksym Klopotok in 15th Place (€10,817)

Mar 21, 2024

Rens Boerke3
Photo: 15th Place Finisher Rens Boerke

Rens Boerke raises to 130,000 on the button and in the big blind, Maksym Klopotok moves all in for 1,900,000 effective and Boerke calls to put himself at risk. 

Rens Boerke: Spade 10Diamond 10
Maksym Klopotok: Club 8Heart 8

The board runs out Club 9Diamond 3Club 4Diamond 5Spade 8 and the table reacts as Klopotok drills an eight on the river to make his set and eliminate Boerke from the tournament. 

Maksym Klopotok – 4,500,000 (75 bb)
Rens Boerke – Eliminated in 15th Place (€10,817)

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