Renmei Liu Flops Quads to Double; Van Quoc Vo Exits

May 19, 2024

After a preflop betting war, Renmei Liu and Van Quoc Vo get all the chips into the middle, with Vo covering. 

Liu tables Club JHeart J but is in rough shape against the superior Diamond KClub K of Vo. 

However, things improve greatly for Liu as the flop comes out Club JDiamond QDiamond J to instantly give him quads. The runout of Diamond 4Spade 4 provides no backdoor quads for Vo and the pot is shipped to Liu for the double. 

Ironically, Vo gets it all in the very next hand for his remaining 45,000 with Spade 6Club 6 but runs into Club KDiamond K held by Santiago Plante. No sixes appear on the board and Plante’s kings hold to eliminate Vo. 

Renmei Liu – 195,000 (49 bb)
Santiago Plante – 455,000 (114 bb)
Van Quoc Vo – Eliminated 

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