Renji Mao Eliminated in 11th Place by Jiafeng Sun

Jan 28, 2024

Renji Mao
Photo:  Renji Mao

Renji Mao moves all-in for 420,000 in the hijack and his former nemesis Jiafeng Sun calls on the button, the blinds fold. Once the cards are exposed, Mao can all but laugh about his unfortunate timning.

Renji Mao: Club KHeart Q
Jiafeng Sun: Club ADiamond A

There is no upset on the Club 6Heart 4Spade 2Club 4Spade 4 board and the tournament is now on the bubble to the unofficial final table.

Jiafeng Sun – 4,200,000 (84 bb)
Renji Mao – Eliminated in 11th Place ($33,919)

Renji Mao
Photo:  Renji Mao

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