Rene Fortin Doubles Thru Brian Altman

May 3, 2016

Rene Fortin

Marcello Del Grosso raises to 37,000 preflop on the button, and Brian Altman reraises to 77,000 on the small blind. Rene Fortin moves all in for 124,000 on the big blind, and Del Grosso folds (he shows Spade AClub J after the mone gets all in). Altman calls and they flip over their cards.

Fortin: Spade 10Spade 9
Altman: Heart KClub 6

Board: Diamond 10Spade 8Heart 3Diamond 3Heart A

Fortin doubles up to survive with 266,000, and Altman holds 650,000 after the hand.

Rene Fortin – 266,000 (16 bb)
Brian Altman – 650,000 (40 bb)

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