Rayo Kniep Shoves on Cherish Andrews

Mar 24, 2024

Cherish Andrews opens to 5,000 from UTG and action folds around to Rayo Kniep in the big blind who three-bets to 19,500. Andrews makes the call and the two go heads-up to a flop of Heart 9Heart 3Diamond 8.

Kniep continues for 26,000 and Anpc]4c[/pc]drews sticks around to see the Spade 6 appear on the turn. 

Kniep fires again, this time for 45,000, and Andrews makes the call once more. 

The river falls the Club 4 and Kniep thinks for a good while before he moves all in, covering Andrews. 

After a few moments of thought, Andrews slides in her cards and the pot is awarded to Kniep.

Rayo Kniep – 245,000 (98 bb)
Cherish Andrews – 72,000 (29 bb)

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