Rayan Chamas Gets Value From Dongwoo Ko

May 20, 2024

Rayan Chamas raises to 110,000 in early position and picks up three callers, including David Dongwoo Ko in the cutoff, Carlos Correa in the small blind, and Vasilios Gerontakos in the big blind.

The flop comes Spade 6Diamond 9Heart 4 and Chamas bets 135,000. Only Ko calls.

Both players check the Club 4 turn and the Heart K falls on the river. Chamas then bets 480,000.

Ko calls and Chamas turns over Heart JSpade J. Ko mucks his hand and Chamas takes down the pot.

Rayan Chamas- 5,500,000 (110 bb)
David Dongwoo Ko- 10,000,000 (200 bb)

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