Ranko Miodrag Eliminated by Adam Torma in 29th place (€5,200)

Apr 14, 2024

Photo: Ranko Miodrag

Ranko Miodrag moves all in from the small blind for 210,000 and gets called by Adam Torma in the big blind.

Ranko Miodrag: Spade AHeart 9
Adam Torma: Spade QSpade 8

The flop comes Diamond 9Club 9Spade 3, immediately bringing Torma trip nines. The turn is the Spade 5 giving Miodrag hope with a flush draw. But the river Club 8 pairs the board to give Torma a winning full house.

Adam Torma – 1,750,000 (70 bb)
Ranko Miodrag – eliminated in 29th place (€5,200)

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