Randy Lew Eliminated in 21st Place by Griffin Paul

Mar 10, 2016

Randy Lew

In the last hand of the level, Griffin Paul raises from the hijack, Chang Luo calls from the small blind, and Randy Lew (pictured) calls from the big blind. All three players check to the turn on a board of Spade 10Spade 7Diamond 6Heart 4, Luo checks, and Lew moves all in for about 200,000. Paul calls, and Luo folds.

Lew shows Club KClub 7 for a pair of sevens, but Paul turns over Spade 4Diamond 4 for a set of fours. Lew is drawing dead, and the meaningless river card is the Heart 3. Paul wins the pot to eliminate Lew from the tournament.

Griffin Paul  –  3,083,000  (154 bb)
Randy Lew  –  Eliminated in 21st Place  ($30,310)

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