Randall Price Eliminated in 11th Place ($26,319)

Nov 9, 2015

Randall Price

Andre Pillow raises to 50,000 under-the-gun and Ryan Dunn calls in middle position. Action folds to Randall Price in the big blind, who three-bets to 144,000. Pillow folds and Dunn goes into the tank for a minute before moving all in.

Dunn moves all in for 630,000 and has Price just barely covered. Price goes into the tank for several minutes before another player at the table calls the clock on him. As soon as the staff comes over to start the clock, Price calls.

Price shows Diamond ADiamond 10 and is dominated by Dunn’s Spade 10Heart 10. The board runs out Heart 6Club 6Diamond 3Heart JSpade 2 and Dunn wins the pot. Price is eliminated in 11th place and the staff is doing a total re-draw to the unofficial final table of 10.

Ryan Dunn – 1,300,000 (65 bb)
Randall Price – Eliminated

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