Ran Yi Eliminated in 13th Place by Marc Lavergne

May 17, 2024

Ran YiPhoto: Ran Yi

Ran Yi opens to 750,000, leaving 100,000 behind and then Marc Lavergne raises to 1,600,000, causing the rest of the table to fold. 

When the action gets back to Yi, he waits for a few moments before he makes the call, putting his tournament life on the line. 

Yi: Heart 9Heart 10
Lavergne: Diamond JSpade J

Yi needs some help to stay alive, and the flop of Spade 9Heart AHeart Q gave him a lot of outs as any nine, ten, or heart will give him the victory. Unfortunately, the runout of Diamond 6Club J only improves Lavergne to a set and he is shipped the pot while Yi is eliminated. 

Marc Lavergne – 2,300,000 (23 bb)
 Ran Yi – Eliminated in 13th place (CAD $13,300)

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