Rafal Nikiel Moves Up Over 200k

Jan 12, 2018

Rafal Nikiel
Kunal Patni raised to 2,200 and Robin Hegele three-bet to 6,900 in the cutoff. Rafal Nikiel cold-called on the button and the blinds folded.

“How much do you have?” asked Patni. Nikiel moved his hands to reveal a stack of over 200,000. “No, not you, him,” clarified Patni, pointing at Hegele.

Hegele moved his hands to show his stack. “Around 30,000 behind,” he said. Patni eventually folded.

On a flop of Club AHeart 9Spade Q Hegele checked and Nikiel bet 12,000. Hegele thought before folding. Nikiel showed Heart AHeart 10 and Hegele ran his fingers through his hair and recounted his stack.

Rafal Nikiel – 245,000
Kunal Patni – 187,000
Robin Hegele – 30,000

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