Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira vs. Jeremy Kottler

Aug 30, 2016

Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira

Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira (pictured) raises UTG+1 to 40,000, and Jeremy Kottler calls from middle position. The flop comes Diamond JClub 9Heart 2, de Oliveira checks, Kottler bets 55,000, and de Oliveira calls.

The turn card is the Club 7, de Oliveira checks, Kottler bets 126,000, and de Oliveira calls. The river card is the Spade 9, and both players check.

De Oliveira shows Diamond QHeart J to win the pot with two pair, jacks and nines, and Kottler mucks.

Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira  –  1,265,000  (63 bb)
Jeremy Kottler  –  1,400,000  (70 bb)

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