Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira vs. David Pham

Aug 31, 2016

Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira

Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira (pictured) raises from the button to 85,000, and David Pham calls from the big blind.

The flop comes Diamond 5Spade 4Club 3, Pham checks, de Oliveira bets 75,000, and Pham calls. The turn card is the Diamond K, Pham checks, de Oliveira bets 140,000, and Pham calls.

The river card is the Heart 10, Pham checks, de Oliveira moves all in, and Pham folds. de Oliveira takes the pot.

Rafael Ferreira de Oliveira  –  1,630,000  (41 bb)
David Pham  –  365,000  (9 bb)

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