Quadruple Up for Brian Molc

May 28, 2022

Brian Molc moves all-in for 27,000 from the hijack and confirms to David Erquiaga in the cutoff verifies that before pushing from the cutoff. The small blind calls all-in blind without checking the cards and big blind checks before also getting it in as well.

Brian Molc: Spade AClub Q
David Erquiaga: Diamond AClub 10
Small blind: Club 6Club 3
Big blind: Heart ADiamond K

“Can I still fold?” Erquiaga jokes while the small blind celebrates to have two live cards. The board runs out Diamond QSpade 6Spade 4Club AHeart J and Molc nearly quadruples up while Erquiaga loses the side pot.

Brian Molc – 105,000
David Erquiaga – 20,000

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