Prasanna Ramachandra Out Before the Money

Apr 13, 2023

Prasanna Ramachandra

Just before the blinds go up, Anil Adiani min-raises and Somashekar KM flat-calls. Zarvan Tumboli three-bets to 65,000 and Adiani tank-folds after three minutes. Somashekar KM tanks another two minutes and sigh-folds.

In the meanwhile, Loveleen Bachhal raises to 20,000 with new blinds on their table already. Prasanna Ramachandra jams for 205,000 on the button and Bachhal calls with the superior stack.

Prasanna Ramachandra: Diamond AClub J
Loveleen Bachhal: Diamond 10Spade 10

The pair holds on a Heart 9Diamond 7Club 3Heart 6Spade 5 board and Bachhal cements his lead while Ramachandra is out two before the money on Day 1a.

Loveleen Bachhal – 700,000
Zarvan Tumboli – 260,000
Anil Adiani – 250,000
Somashekar KM – 150,000
Prasanna Ramachandra – Eliminated

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