Pocket Rockets for Alain Rondeau

Aug 21, 2016

Rodney Ramalho raises to 15,000 from middle position. Jeffrey Cormier calls on the button, and Alain Rondeau three-bets to 41,000 from the big blind. Action is back on Ramalho, who moves all in for more than 400,000. Cormier gets out of the way, and Rondeau snap-calls.

Rondeau: Diamond AClub A
Ramalho: Spade AClub K

The board runs out Heart KDiamond JClub 4Diamond 6Spade 7, and Cormier puts up a fist-pump before raking in the pot.

Alain Rondeau – 381,000 (47 bb)
Rodney Ramalho – 340,000 (42 bb)

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