Ping Liu Eliminated by Aaron Zumback

Aug 21, 2018

Ping Liu_WPT500_L1060387

On a final board of Diamond 8Diamond 2Spade 5Diamond 7Spade 4 with roughly 17,000 in the middle, Aaron Zumback checks from under the gun to Ping Liu (pictured on Day 1C) who announces he is all in.

Zumback appears to have been put in the think-tank blender by Liu, and after some time he asks for a count of Liu’s chip stack.

Once broken down, Liu is all in for 30,200, and after a further minute, Zumback calls.

Liu reveals his Club ADiamond K for ace-high, and Zumback immediately tables his Diamond 10Spade 10 for the winning overpair to send Liu to the rail.

Aaron Zumback – 95,500
Ping Liu – Eliminated

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