Ping Lin Out in 34th Place (CAD $11,722)

Feb 14, 2015

Corey Hochman raises to 16,000 from under the gun and Ping Lin moves all in for his last 5,000 from middle position. Daniel Ghiounoiu calls from the small blind and the player in the big blind calls as well.

The flop comes Aclub5heart4club and action checks to Hochman, who bets 10,000. Ghionoiu check-raises, making it 25,000 to play. The player in the big blind calls and Hochman folds.

The turn brings the 3spade. Ghionoiu bets 25,000 and his opponent calls. The river is the 10club. Again, Ghionoiu bets 25,000, and again, his opponent calls.

Ghionoiu shows his Aheart4spade for aces up, which is good enough to beat the big blind. Lin’s AspadeJdiamondis bested as well and he is eliminated.

Daniel Ghionoiu – 580,000 (73 bb)
Ping Lin – Eliminated in 34th place for CAD $11,722

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