Pim Van Wieringen Eliminated by Bobby Oboodi

Nov 22, 2013

Pim Van Wieringen min-raises from the button to 6,000, WPT Champions Club member Bobby Oboodi reraises from the big blind to 18,500, and Van Wieringen reraises to 33,000.

Oboodi five-bets all in, and Van Wieringen calls all in for about 90,000 with [7c7s]. Oboodi turns over [JdJs], and Van Wieringen will need to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [Ah5s2hQdKd], and hte pocket jacks hold up for Oboodi to win the pot, eliminating Pim Van Wieringen from the tournament.

Bobby Oboodi  –  410,000  (136 bb)
Pim Van Wieringen  –  Out in 32nd Place

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